The Polin Laboratory has recently started the study of software solutions to encourage studies, including also STEM by people with Learning Disorders. At present, in fact, only a minority of university students with Learning Disorders face scientific studies. Having university students in mind who choose scientific studies, we intend to work to make the percentage of students with Learning Disorders close to that for without Learning Disorders students.
There are currently software (e. g. Anastasis ePico!) Equipped with speech synthesis and other effects that facilitate people with Learning Disorders in reading and using digital documents. However the performance of these tools is not currently satisfactory in the case of scientific texts. The Polin Laboratory has started to study some of these software, evaluating in detail the possibility of improving its performance in the presence of scientific texts. The team of the Polin Laboratory has observed that digital pdf texts (also containing formulas) prepared using the LaTeX Axessibility package are accessible with the vocal synthesis of compensatory software for Learning Disorders. A special dictionary has been created for uploading to ePico! which converts from Latex language to words for the Italian and English languages, with very good preliminary results.