Examples of formulas in MathML

In the following there are some examples of formulas inserted by using the language MathML (without any Javascript). These formulas are accessible in the following modes:
  • On Mac with VoiceOver and Safari.
  • On Windows with NVDA, MathPlayer4 (free) and Mozilla Firefox.
The solutions involving MathPlayer4 allow to activate the visualization of formulas on the braille display with mathematical symbols (Marburg Braille, Nemeth Braille, UKMaths Braille and Woluve Braille are allowed).


Cubic equation: a x 3 + b x 2 + c x + d = 0
Trigonometric functions: sin ( x 2 + 3 x + 1 ) , cos ( θ + φ )
Roots: 2 , 2 y + 1 3
Integral: 5 x x
Sum: n = 0 F n
Logarithms and exponentials: log x 2 , e x
Fractions: a z + b c z + d